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actividades I2C en PIC
« en: 05 de Agosto de 2014, 18:06:03 »

Mi pregunta es que actividades me recomiendan desarrollar para empezar a trabajar con el modulo I2C en PIC16, ya que soy nuevo en esto y quiero empezar a trabajar con el modulo.
¿Que actividades puedo poner en practica para ver este modulo en funcionamiento?
« Última modificación: 05 de Agosto de 2014, 18:13:44 por Tercio »

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    • Mcu Tronics
Re: actividades I2C en PIC
« Respuesta #1 en: 05 de Agosto de 2014, 18:16:49 »
Lo mas facil a mi parecer es comenzar con una memoria 24C02, con ella aprendes lo basico, no olvides leer el datasheet, ahi viene como debes enviar la trama de datos, de ahi puedes saltar a un RTC, o algun sensor de temperatura.

Nunca se deja de aprender

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Re: actividades I2C en PIC
« Respuesta #2 en: 06 de Agosto de 2014, 18:05:43 »

Empece con un ejemplo propuesto por microchip, que es escribir por medio de I2C en EEPROM (24LC16B), yo lo estoy haciendo con el PIC16LF1937, pero cuando lo simulo en Proteus no obtengo ningún resultado positivo. Para esto Anexo el código fuente que estoy utilizando.
Espero me puedan ayudar, Muchas Gracias.

Código: [Seleccionar]
#include <xc.h>
#include <plib/delays.h>

#define _XTAL_FREQ 4000000

// #pragma config statements should precede project file includes.
// Use project enums instead of #define for ON and OFF.

#pragma config FOSC = INTOSC    // Oscillator Selection (INTOSC oscillator: I/O function on CLKIN pin)-Internal oscillator (31 kHz to 32 MHz).
#pragma config WDTE = OFF       // Watchdog Timer Enable (WDT disabled)
#pragma config PWRTE = OFF       // Power-up Timer Enable (PWRT enabled)
#pragma config MCLRE = ON      // MCLR Pin Function Select (MCLR/VPP pin function is digital input)
#pragma config CP = OFF          // Flash Program Memory Code Protection (Program memory code protection is enabled)
#pragma config CPD = OFF         // Data Memory Code Protection (Data memory code protection is enabled)
#pragma config BOREN = ON      // Brown-out Reset Enable (Brown-out Reset disabled)
#pragma config CLKOUTEN = OFF    // Clock Out Enable (CLKOUT function is enabled on the CLKOUT pin)
#pragma config IESO = ON        // Internal/External Switchover (Internal/External Switchover mode is enabled)
#pragma config FCMEN = ON      // Fail-Safe Clock Monitor Enable (Fail-Safe Clock Monitor is disabled)

#pragma config WRT = OFF        // Flash Memory Self-Write Protection (Write protection off)
#pragma config PLLEN = ON       // PLL Enable (4x PLL enabled)
#pragma config STVREN = ON      // Stack Overflow/Underflow Reset Enable (Stack Overflow or Underflow will cause a Reset)
#pragma config BORV = LO        // Brown-out Reset Voltage Selection (Brown-out Reset Voltage (Vbor), low trip point selected.)
#pragma config LVP = OFF         // Low-Voltage Programming Enable (Low-voltage programming enabled)

#define device_control_code  0b1010 // All I2C devices have a control code assigned to them.
                                    // and the control code for a serial eeprom is b'1010'

// Send one byte to SEE

void Send_I2C_Data(unsigned int databyte)
    PIR1bits.SSPIF = 0;        // clear SSP interrupt bit
    SSPBUF = databyte;         // send databyte
    while(!PIR1bits.SSPIF);    // Wait for interrupt flag to go high indicating transmission is complete

// Read one byte from SEE
unsigned int Read_I2C_Data(void)
    PIR1bits.SSPIF = 0;         // clear SSP interrupt bit
    SSPCON2bits.RCEN=1;         // set the receive enable bit to initiate a read of 8 bits from the serial eeprom
    while(!PIR1bits.SSPIF);     // Wait for interrupt flag to go high indicating transmission is complete
    return (SSPBUF);

// Send control byte to SEE (this includes 4 bits of device code, block select bits and the R/W bit)
// Notes:
// 1) The device code for serial eeproms is defined as '1010' which we are using in this example
// 2) RW_bit can only be a one or zero
// 3) Block address is only used for SEE devices larger than 4K, however on
// some other devices these bits may become the hardware address bits that allow you
// to put multiple devices of the same type on the same bus.  Read the datasheet
// on your particular serial eeprom device to be sure.

void Send_I2C_ControlByte(unsigned int BlockAddress,unsigned int RW_bit)
    PIR1bits.SSPIF=0;          // clear SSP interrupt bit

    // Assemble the control byte from device code, block address bits and R/W bit
    // so it looks like this: CCCCBBBR
    // where 'CCCC' is the device control code
    // 'BBB' is the block address
    // and 'R' is the Read/Write bit

    SSPBUF = ((device_control_code << 4) | (BlockAddress <<1)) + RW_bit;  // send the control byte
    while(!PIR1bits.SSPIF);    // Wait for interrupt flag to go high indicating transmission is complete

// Send start bit to SEE
void Send_I2C_StartBit(void)
    PIR1bits.SSPIF=0;          // clear SSP interrupt bit
    SSPCON2bits.SEN=1;          // send start bit
    while(!PIR1bits.SSPIF);    // Wait for the SSPIF bit to go back high before we load the data buffer

// Send stop bit to SEE
void Send_I2C_StopBit(void)
    PIR1bits.SSPIF=0;          // clear SSP interrupt bit
    SSPCON2bits.PEN=1;          // send stop bit
    while(!PIR1bits.SSPIF);    // Wait for interrupt flag to go high indicating transmission is complete

// Send ACK bit to SEE
void Send_I2C_ACK(void)
   PIR1bits.SSPIF=0;          // clear SSP interrupt bit
   SSPCON2bits.ACKDT=0;        // clear the Acknowledge Data Bit - this means we are sending an Acknowledge or 'ACK'
   SSPCON2bits.ACKEN=1;        // set the ACK enable bit to initiate transmission of the ACK bit to the serial eeprom
   while(!PIR1bits.SSPIF);    // Wait for interrupt flag to go high indicating transmission is complete

// Send NAK bit to SEE
void Send_I2C_NAK(void)
    PIR1bits.SSPIF=0;           // clear SSP interrupt bit
    SSPCON2bits.ACKDT=1;        // set the Acknowledge Data Bit- this means we are sending a No-Ack or 'NAK'
    SSPCON2bits.ACKEN=1;        // set the ACK enable bit to initiate transmission of the ACK bit to the serial eeprom
    while(!PIR1bits.SSPIF);    // Wait for interrupt flag to go high indicating transmission is complete

//***********************      main rouitine     **************************************

void main(void) {

    unsigned int eeprom_array[20];
    unsigned int i;
    volatile unsigned int eeprom_data,incoming_data;
    volatile unsigned int block_address, word_address;
    unsigned int ACK_bit;

    OSCCON = 0X68;               //32MHz CLOCK SPEED

    // PORT C Assignments
    TRISCbits.TRISC0 = 0; // RC0 = nc
    TRISCbits.TRISC1 = 0; // RC1 = nc
    TRISCbits.TRISC2 = 0; // RC2 = nc
    TRISCbits.TRISC3 = 1; // RC3 = SCL signal to SEE (must be set as input)
    TRISCbits.TRISC4 = 1; // RC4 = SDA signal to SEE (must be set as input)
    TRISCbits.TRISC5 = 0; // RC5 = nc
    TRISCbits.TRISC6 = 0; // RC6 = nc
    TRISCbits.TRISC7 = 0; // RC7 = nc

    // Setup MSSP as I2C Master mode, clock rate of 100Khz
    // Note: current version of the XC8 compiler (v1.12)  uses the designator "SSPCON" for the
    // first MSSP control register, however, future versions of the compiler may use
    // "SSPCON1" or another variant. If you get errors for this register below
    // this is probably the reason.

    SSPCON1bits.SSPM0=0;       // I2C Master mode, clock = Fosc/(4 * (SSPADD+1))

    SSPCON1bits.SSPEN=1;         // enable MSSP port

    // **************************************************************************************
    // The SSPADD register value  is used to determine the clock rate for I2C communication.
    // Equation for I2C clock rate:   Fclock = Fosc/[(SSPADD +1)*4]
    // For this example we want the the standard 100Khz I2C clock rate and our
    // internal Fosc is 32Mhz so we get:  100000 = 32000000/[(SSPADD+1)*4]
    // or solving for SSPADD = [(32000000/100000)-4]/4
    // and we get SSPADD = 79

    SSPADD = 9;        // set Baud rate clock divider

    // **************************************************************************************

    __delay_ms(10); // let everything settle.

    // ******************************************************************************
    // ***********  write a single byte of data to address 0x00   *******************

    block_address = 0x00;   // Set the eeprom block address that we will write the data to
    word_address = 0x00;    // Set the eeprom word address that we will write the data to
    eeprom_data = 0x55;     // This is the data  we are going to write

    Send_I2C_StartBit();                    // send start bit
    Send_I2C_ControlByte(block_address,0);  // send control byte with R/W bit set low
    Send_I2C_Data(word_address);            // send word address
    Send_I2C_Data(eeprom_data);             // send data byte
    Send_I2C_StopBit();                     // send stop bit

    // ***************************************************************************************
    // At this point the serial eeprom is writing the data we just sent.  We can either
    // wait the maximum write cycle time for the write to complete (5 ms) or we can 'poll'
    // the eeprom to see when it is done.  Polling is done by sending a start bit and
    // a control byte with R/W set to a zero and checking the ACK bit coming back from
    // the eeprom.  While it is still in the write cycle it will not send an ACK so
    // we can just send the startbit/control byte sequence over and over again until
    // the eeprom finally sends and ACK and then we know it is finished. Here is how
    // you can do the polling:
    // ************************ polling loop ***************************************************

     block_address = 0x00;   // Set the eeprom block address

    ACK_bit = 1;            // init the Ack bit high
    while(ACK_bit)          // loop as long as the ack bit is high
        ACK_bit = SSPCON2bits.ACKSTAT;  // Ack bit will come back low when the write is complete

    // ******************************************************************************************

    // ******************************************************************************
    // ********* Now read back a single byte of data from address 0x00   ************

    block_address = 0x00;   // Set the eeprom block address that we will read from
    word_address = 0x00;    // Set the eeprom word address that we will read from

    Send_I2C_StartBit();                    // send start bit
    Send_I2C_ControlByte(block_address,0);  // send control byte with R/W bit set low
    Send_I2C_Data(word_address);            // send word address

    Send_I2C_StartBit();                    // send start bit
    Send_I2C_ControlByte(block_address,1);  // send control byte with R/W bit set high
    incoming_data = Read_I2C_Data();        // now we read the data coming back from the eeprom
    Send_I2C_NAK();                         // send a the NAK to tell the eeprom we don't want any more data
    Send_I2C_StopBit();                     // and then send the stop bit

    // *********************************************************************************
    // The 24LC16B has a page buffer of 16 bytes which allows us to execute a 'page' write
    // where we send up to 16 bytes of data before sending the stop bit and executing the
    // write cycle.  Page writes must start on a page boundary.
    // In this section we will write 16 bytes of data starting at address 0x00.

    block_address = 0x00;   // Set the eeprom block address that we will write the data to
    word_address = 0x00;    // Set the starting eeprom word address that we will write the data to

    Send_I2C_StartBit();                    // send start bit
    Send_I2C_ControlByte(block_address,0);  // send control byte with R/W bit set low
    Send_I2C_Data(word_address);            // send starting address
    Send_I2C_Data('M');             // send data byte 1
    Send_I2C_Data('i');             // send data byte 2
    Send_I2C_Data('c');             // send data byte 3
    Send_I2C_Data('r');             // send data byte 4
    Send_I2C_Data('o');             // send data byte 5
    Send_I2C_Data('c');             // send data byte 6
    Send_I2C_Data('h');             // send data byte 7
    Send_I2C_Data('i');             // send data byte 8
    Send_I2C_Data('p');             // send data byte 9
    Send_I2C_Data(' ');             // send data byte 10
    Send_I2C_Data('R');             // send data byte 11
    Send_I2C_Data('o');             // send data byte 12
    Send_I2C_Data('c');             // send data byte 13
    Send_I2C_Data('k');             // send data byte 14
    Send_I2C_Data('s');             // send data byte 15
    Send_I2C_Data('!');             // send data byte 16
    Send_I2C_StopBit();             // send stop bit

    // now poll until write cycle is finished
    block_address = 0x00;   // Set the eeprom block address
    ACK_bit = 1;            // init the Ack bit high
    while(ACK_bit)          // loop as long as the ack bit is high
        Send_I2C_StartBit();                    // send start bit
        Send_I2C_ControlByte(block_address,0);  // send control byte with R/W bit set low
        ACK_bit = SSPCON2bits.ACKSTAT;          // Ack bit will come back low when the write is complete

    // *********************************************************************************
    // Now lets read those 16 bytes back using a 'sequential' read where we set the starting
    // address and keep clocking in data from the eeprom until we send a NAK telling the
    // eeprom we don't want any more data.
    // We will start reading from address 0x00 and read 16 bytes.

    block_address = 0x00;   // Set the eeprom block address that we will read from
    word_address = 0x00;    // Set the eeprom word address that we will read from

    Send_I2C_StartBit();                    // send start bit
    Send_I2C_ControlByte(block_address,0);  // send control byte with R/W bit set low
    Send_I2C_Data(word_address);            // send starting address

    Send_I2C_StartBit();                    // send start bit
    Send_I2C_ControlByte(block_address,1);  // send control byte with R/W bit set high

    for (i=0;i<=14;i++)
        eeprom_array[i] = Read_I2C_Data();  // now we read the first 15 bytes from the eeprom
        Send_I2C_ACK();                     // we have to ACK each byte to tell the eeprom to send another byte

    eeprom_array[15] = Read_I2C_Data();     // now read the last byte from the eeprom
    Send_I2C_NAK();                         // and send a NAK instead of ACK this time to tell the eeprom we don't want any more data
    Send_I2C_StopBit();                     // and then send the stop bit

    while (1); //just sit here


También anexo el montaje en Proteus en caso de que el error sea el diseño.
« Última modificación: 06 de Agosto de 2014, 18:11:34 por Tercio »

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Re: actividades I2C en PIC
« Respuesta #3 en: 09 de Agosto de 2014, 12:13:59 »

Que pena molestar, pero aun sigo con el mismo problema y no logro solucionarlo, quien pueda ayudarme estaré muy agradecido, he subido el proyecto al siguiente link (!RB8XwaxB!oRJUEgCGluh-Zbxs1e2yCdH-i4Yz2hK9H9w1prc26AM), este contiene el proyecto en mplab - xc8 y el proyecto en Proteus en el cual estoy realizando la simulación. Espero me puedan ayudar.  :shock:   
« Última modificación: 09 de Agosto de 2014, 17:12:12 por Tercio »

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Re: actividades I2C en PIC
« Respuesta #4 en: 12 de Agosto de 2014, 13:19:37 »
Solucionado, Muchas Gracias.