Autor Tema: Ram Dinamica  (Leído 1374 veces)

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Ram Dinamica
« en: 21 de Mayo de 2010, 16:44:21 »
Buenas buenas, estuve buscando informacion sobre como usar ram dinamicas y no tuve mucha suerte...
La cuestion seria esta: poder manejar una ram dinamica (desde una misera 4164 a una de 4 megas) con un programa en C.
En CCS hay unas librerias que no me dieron mucho exito (4264.h y 4264.c), compilan y en teoria todo esta bien, pero cuando lo pruebo en el proto, no pasa nada.

Lo mas concreto que encontre en la red es este pdf:
deberia llamarse "dram for dummies", pero sin embargo no termino de entender el programa porqe esta en assembly.
Alguno me podria dar una mano, o tirar una punta por la cual avanzar?

Se agradece de antemano  :)

Código: ASM
  1. ; Upon power up or reset, this program starts sampling pin ra.0 and recording its
  2. ; state in sequential addresses of a 1Mb dynamic RAM. When the DRAM is full, the
  3. ; program plays back the recorded bits in a continuous loop.
  4. ; Remember to change device info when programming part.
  5. device pic16c55,xt_osc,wdt_off,protect_off
  6. reset start
  7. Sin = ra.0 ; Signal generator input
  8. RAS = ra.1 ; DRAM row-address strobe
  9. WR = ra.2 ; DRAM write line (0 = write)
  10. Dout = ra.3 ; DRAM data line
  11. adrb_lo = rb ; Low bits of address bus
  12. adrb_hi = rc ; High bits of address bus
  13. Din = rc.2 ; DRAM Q line
  14. CAS = rc.3 ; DRAM column-address strobe
  15. Sout = rc.5 ; Signal out to speaker
  16. ; Put variable storage above special-purpose registers.
  17. org 8
  19. r_ctr ds 1 ; Refresh counter
  20. row_lo ds 1 ; Eight LSBs of row address
  21. row_hi ds 1 ; Two MSBs of row address
  22. col_lo ds 1 ; Eight LSBs of column address
  23. col_hi ds 1 ; Two MSBs of column address
  24. flags ds 1 ; Holder for bit variable flag
  25. flag = flags.0 ; Overflow flag for 20-bit address
  26. ; Set starting point in program ROM to zero
  27. org 0
  28. start setb RAS ; Disable RAS and CAS before
  29. setb CAS ; setting ports to output.
  30. mov !ra,#1 ; Make ra.0 (Sin) an input.
  31. mov !rb,#0 ; Make rb (low addresses) output.
  32. mov !rc,#00000100b ; Make rc.2 (Din) an input.
  33. clr flags ; Clear the variables.
  34. clr row_lo
  35. clr row_hi
  36. clr col_lo
  37. clr col_hi
  38. call refresh ; Initialize DRAM.
  39. :record call refresh ; Refresh the DRAM.
  40. call write ; Write Sin bit to DRAM.
  41. call inc_xy ; Increment row and col
  42. ; addresses.
  43. jnb flag,:record ; Repeat until address overflows.
  44. :play call refresh ; Refresh the DRAM.
  45. call read ; Retrieve bit and write to Sout)
  46. call inc_xy ; Increment row and col
  47. ; addresses.
  48. goto :play ; Loop until reset.
  49. write mov adrb_lo,row_lo ; Put LSBs of row addr on bus
  50. (rb).
  51. AND adrb_hi,#11111100b ; Clear bits adrb_hi.0 and .1.
  52. OR adrb_hi,row_hi ; Put MSBs of row adr on bus (rc).
  53. clrb RAS ; Strobe in the row address.
  54. movb Dout,Sin ; Supply the input bit to the
  55. DRAM,
  56. movb Sout,Sin ; and echo it to the speaker.
  57. mov adrb_lo,col_lo ; Put LSBs of col addr on bus (rb).
  58. AND adrb_hi,#11111100b ; Clear bits adrb_hi.0 and .1.
  59. OR adrb_hi,col_hi ; Put MSBs of col addr on bus
  60. (rc).
  61. clrb WR ; Set up to write.
  62. clrb CAS ; Strobe in the column address.
  63. setb WR ; Conclude the transaction by
  64. setb RAS ; restoring WR, RAS, & CAS high
  65. setb CAS ; (inactive).
  66. ret
  67. read mov adrb_lo,row_lo ; Put LSBs of row addr on bus
  68. (rb).
  69. AND adrb_hi,#11111100b ; Clear bits adrb_hi.0 and .1.
  70. OR adrb_hi,row_hi ; Put MSBs of row addr on bus
  71. (rc)
  72. clrb RAS ; Strobe in the row address.
  73. mov adrb_lo,col_lo ; Put LSBs of col addr on bus (rb).
  74. AND adrb_hi,#11111100b ; Clear bits adrb_hi.0 and .1.
  75. OR adrb_hi,col_hi ; Put MSBs of col addr on bus
  76. (rc).
  77. clrb CAS ; Strobe in the column address.
  78. movb Sout,Din ; Copy the DRAM data to the
  79. ; speaker.
  80. setb RAS ; Conclude transaction by
  81. ; restoring
  82. setb CAS ; RAS and CAS high (inactive).
  83. ret

pd: una cuestion que veo en la libreria de ccs es que hay algo raro con el refresh de la memoria...cuando deshabilita las interrupciones frena la del timer 0 y despues arranca la del timer 0, sin embargo el timer para dispararse cada 4ms es el timer 1  :?

Código: C
  1. // the timer will interrupt every 4ms inorder to refresh the
  2. // memory
  3. #int_timer1
  4. void Refresh ( )
  5. {
  6.    unsigned int16 i;
  7.    // to output, CAS must be high, then each row is output followed
  8.    // by an RAS cycle
  9.    output_high(RAS);
  10.    output_high(CAS);
  11.    for(i=0;i<0x100;i++)
  12.    {
  13.       addressByte(i);
  14.       output_low(RAS);
  15.       output_high(RAS);
  16.    }
  17.    // set the timer up so that it will role over in 4ms
  18.    set_timer1(0xC800);
  19. }
  22. // BitRead will return the bit located at the address desired
  23. //    rowAddress = the row number of the bit
  24. //    colAddress = the column number of the bit
  25. //
  26. // Events needed to read one
  27. //    1. output row address to the chip
  28. //    2. latch row address by bringing RAS low
  29. //    3. bring write enable high
  30. //    4. output column address to the chip
  31. //    5. latch row address by bringing CAS low
  32. //    6. read data in
  33. //    7. bring CAS high
  34. //    8. bring RAS high
  35. int1 BitRead ( int rowAddress, int colAddress )
  36. {
  37.    int1 data;
  39.    disable_interrupts(global);
  40.    disable_interrupts(int_timer0);
  42.    output_high(RAS);
  43.    output_high(CAS);
  45.    addressByte(rowAddress);
  46.    #asm nop #endasm
  47.    output_low(RAS);
  49.    output_high(WE);
  50.    addressByte(colAddress);
  51.    #asm nop #endasm
  52.    output_low(CAS);
  54.    data = input(D0);
  56.    output_high(CAS);
  57.    output_high(RAS);
  59.    enable_interrupts(int_timer0);
  60.    enable_interrupts(global);
  62.    return data;
  63. }
« Última modificación: 21 de Mayo de 2010, 17:39:50 por nicola »